Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 158

Annual Report 2015
Relevant Guideline or Principle
(as per Code of Governance 2012)
in this
Our compliance
Guideline 5.1
The Board should state in the company's Annual Report how
assessment of the Board, its board committees and each director has
been conducted. If an external facilitator has been used, the Board
should disclose in the company's Annual Report whether the external
facilitator has any other connection with the company or any of its
directors. This assessment process should be disclosed in the
company's Annual Report
129 to 130
Guideline 7.1
Names of the members of the RC and the key terms of reference of
the RC, explaining its role and the authority delegated to it by the
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Guideline 7.3
Names and firms of the remuneration consultants (if any) should be
disclosed in the annual remuneration report, including a statement on
whether the remuneration consultants have any relationships with the
Principle 9
Clear disclosure of remuneration policies, level and mix of remuneration,
and procedure for setting remuneration
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Guideline 9.1
Remuneration of directors, the CEO and at least the top five key
management personnel (who are not also directors or the CEO) of the
company. The annual remuneration report should include the aggregate
amount of any termination, retirement and postemployment benefits that
may be granted to directors, the CEO and the top five key management
personnel (who are not directors or the CEO)
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Guideline 9.2
Fully disclose the remuneration of each individual director and the
CEO on a named basis. There will be a breakdown (in percentage
or dollar terms) of each director's and the CEO's remuneration
earned through base/fixed salary, variable or performance-related
income/bonuses, benefits in kind, stock options granted, share-
based incentives and awards, and other long-term incentives
Guideline 9.3
Name and disclose the remuneration of at least the top five key
management personnel (who are not directors or the CEO) in bands
of S$250,000. There will be a breakdown (in percentage or dollar
terms) of each key management personnel's remuneration earned
through base/fixed salary, variable or performance-related income/
bonuses, benefits in kind, stock options granted, share-based
incentives and awards, and other long-term incentives.
In addition, the company should disclose in aggregate the total
remuneration paid to the top five key management personnel (who are
not directors or the CEO). As best practice, companies are also
encouraged to fully disclose the remuneration of the said top five key
management personnel
The Company has
disclosed the
remuneration of its key
management personnel
in bands of S$100,000.
However, due to
competitive pressures in
the talent market and to
support the Company's
efforts in attracting and
retaining executive
talents, the Company
has decided to maintain
confidentiality on other
details of the employee
remuneration matters.
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