Annual Report 2015
How has the Company complied?
Independence of Directors
Guideline 2.1
Does the Company comply with the
guideline on the proportion of independent
directors on the Board? If not, please state
the reasons for the deviation and the
remedial action taken by the Company.
Yes. The Board presently has seven
Directors, comprising one executive
Director and six non-executive Directors,
of whom, four are independent Directors.
Guideline 2.3
a) Is there any director who is deemed to be
independent by the Board, notwithstanding
the existence of a relationship as stated in
the Code that would otherwise deem him
not to be independent? If so, please
identify the director and specify the nature
of such relationship.
b) What are the Board’s reasons for
considering him independent? Please
provide a detailed explanation.
No. There is no such Director.
Not applicable.
Guideline 2.4
Has any independent director served on the
Board for more than nine years from the
date of his first appointment? If so, please
identify the director and set out the Board’s
reasons for considering him independent.
Disclosure on Remuneration
Guideline 9.2
Has the Company disclosed each director's
and the CEO's remuneration as well as a
breakdown (in percentage or dollar terms) into
base/fixed salary, variable or performance-
related income/bonuses, benefits in kind,
stock options granted, share-based incentives
and awards, and other long-term incentives?
If not, what are the reasons for not disclosing so?
Guideline 9.3
a) Has the Company disclosed each key
management personnel's remuneration, in
bands of S$250,000 or in more detail, as
well as a breakdown (in percentage or
dollar terms) into base/fixed salary, variable
or performance-related income/bonuses,
benefits in kind, stock options granted,
share-based incentives and awards, and
other long-term incentives? If not, what are
the reasons for not disclosing so?
b) Please disclose the aggregate remuneration
paid to the top five key management
personnel (who are not directors or the
The Company has disclosed the
remuneration of its key management
personnel in bands of S$100,000.
However, due to competitive pressures in
the talent market and to support the
Company's efforts in attracting and
retaining executive talents, the Company
has decided to maintain confidentiality on
other details of the employee remuneration
Aggregate remuneration paid to the top
six key management personnel of the
Company is S$3,088,528.27.