Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 147

Annual Report 2015
How has the Company complied?
a) Has the Company complied with all the
principles and guidelines of the Code?
If not, please state the specific deviations
and the alternative corporate governance
practices adopted by the Company in lieu
of the recommendations in the Code.
b) In what respect do these alternative
corporate governance practices achieve
the objectives of the principles and
conform to the guidelines in the Code?
Yes, the Company has complied with all
principles and guidelines of the Code in all
material aspects. To the extent that there are
deviations, explanations have been provided
in the report and alternative practices have
been adopted by the Company.
(i) Guideline 4.4
Instead of implementing a maximum
number of listed company board
representations, the Board is of the view
that this should be based on a person’s
capacity. The NC monitors and assesses
annually whether a Director, who has
multiple board representations and other
principal commitments, is able to and has
been adequately carrying out his duties
as a Director of Perennial. In doing the
assessment, the NC takes into account
the effectiveness of the individual Director
including his conduct and contribution to
the Board as well as his attendance at
the Board meetings to ensure that
sufficient time and attention have been
given to the affairs of the group.
(ii) Guideline 8.4
The RC shall look into the
implementation of such reclamation
of incentive components.
(iii) Guideline 9.3
Due to the competitive pressures in the
talent market and to support the
Company's effort in attracting and
retaining executive talents, the Company
has decided to maintain the confidentiality
on employee remuneration matters.
For these reasons, the Company is only
disclosing the remuneration of the key
management personnel in percentage
terms in bands of S$100,000 for the
Period. The Board is of the opinion that
the information disclosed would be
sufficient for the Shareholders to have
an adequate appreciation of the
Company's compensation policies and
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