Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 145

Annual Report 2015
documented in the Annual Report or circulars to allow
the Shareholders to participate and vote effectively at
the general meetings.
Guideline 14.3 : Appointment of proxies
To encourage greater Shareholders participation in the
general meetings, the Shareholders are provided with
the option of appointing multiple proxies to attend the
general meetings to vote on his/her behalf.
Guideline 15.1 : Investor relations policy
Perennial is committed to regular, effective, fair, timely
and transparent communication with its Shareholders
and the Investment Community. To uphold these
commitments, Perennial has a dedicated investor
relations and corporate communications team that
reports to the CEO to effectively execute the group’s
investor relations and corporate communications policy
which is published on Perennial’s corporate website.
Guideline 15.2 : Timely disclosure of information
Perennial is committed to disclosing material and price
sensitive information on a timely, comprehensive and
accurate manner through SGXNET and Perennial’s
corporate website. In the event that unpublished
material information is inadvertently disclosed to any
selected group of stakeholders, an announcement of
the same disclosure will be released as promptly as
possible to the public via SGXNET. A dedicated
investor relations section on Perennial’s corporate
website provide the Shareholders and the Investment
Community with pertinent financial and non-financial
related information including financial results’
announcements, presentation slides and press
releases, publications such as circulars and annual
reports, and stock-related information.
Guideline 15.3 : Regular dialogue with Shareholders
Guideline 15.4 : Steps taken to solicit and understand
Shareholders’ view
The Management meets with the Shareholders and the
Investment Community regularly to communicate
Perennial’s strategic business plans and operating
performance, share latest corporate and industry
developments, and gather their views and feedback.
The Management also addresses queries from the
Shareholders and the Investment Community via phone
calls and emails. Such regular interactions allow the
Management to understand and consider the views and
feedback from the Shareholders and the Investment
Community before formulating its key strategic decisions.
The contact details of the investor relations and
corporate communications team are listed on Perennial’s
corporate website and disclosed in this report.
Guideline 15.5 : Dividend payment policy
Perennial has a stated policy on the payment of
dividends which aims to balance cash return to the
Shareholders and the Investment Community for
sustaining growth, while striving for an efficient capital
structure. Through this policy, Perennial seeks to
provide consistent and sustainable ordinary dividend
payments to its Shareholders on an annual basis.
The Company’s policy is to declare a dividend of up to
25% of the distributable profits (excluding revaluation
gains), after taking into account the appropriation of
amounts which are sufficient and prudent to meet the
working capital, capital expenditure and cash flow
needs of the Company. For every dividend declaration
made, the Shareholders will be notified via
announcement made through SGXNET.
Guideline 16.1 : Shareholders’ opportunity to
participate and vote at general meetings
Perennial fully supports active Shareholders’
participation at AGMs and Extraordinary General
Meetings (“
”) and views such general meetings as
important engagement sessions with the Shareholders.
All Shareholders are invited to attend and participate in
Perennial’s general meetings. The Annual Report and
Notice of AGM are despatched to all of the
Shareholders at least 14 days prior to the AGM to give
them ample time to review the documents. Notices of
general meetings of the Shareholders are also published
in the local newspaper, released via SGXNET and
posted on Perennial’s corporate website. The Notice of
AGM, where relevant, may include explanatory notes or
a circular on items of special business. The Annual
Report is also available to all of the Shareholders for
download on Perennial’s corporate website.
Perennial may consider other voting methods which
are permissible under the applicable laws and
regulations, and in doing so, it shall evaluate to ensure
that there is no compromise to the integrity of the
information and the proper authenticity of the
Shareholders’ identities.
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