Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 159

Annual Report 2015
Relevant Guideline or Principle
(as per Code of Governance 2012)
in this
Our compliance
Guideline 9.4
Details of the remuneration of employees who are immediate family
members of a director or the CEO, and whose remuneration exceeds
S$50,000 during the year. This will be done on a named basis with
clear indication of the employee's relationship with the relevant
director or the CEO. Disclosure of remuneration should be in
incremental bands of S$50,000
Not Applicable
Guideline 9.5
Details and important terms of employee share schemes
180 to 182,
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Guideline 9.6
For greater transparency, companies should disclose more
information on the link between remuneration paid to the executive
directors and key management personnel, and performance.
The annual remuneration report should set out a description of
performance conditions to which entitlement to short-term and long-
term incentive schemes are subject, an explanation on why such
performance conditions were chosen, and a statement of whether
such performance conditions are met
Guideline 11.3
The Board should comment on the adequacy and effectiveness of the
internal controls, including financial, operational, compliance and
information technology controls, and risk management systems
The commentary should include information needed by stakeholders
to make an informed assessment of the company's internal control
and risk management systems
The Board should also comment on whether it has received
assurance from the CEO and the CFO: (a) that the financial records
have been properly maintained and the financial statements give true
and fair view of the company's operations and finances; and (b)
regarding the effectiveness of the company's risk management and
internal control systems
Guideline 12.1
Names of the members of the AC and the key terms of reference of the
AC, explaining its role and the authority delegated to it by the Board
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Guideline 12.6
Aggregate amount of fees paid to the external auditors for that
financial year, and breakdown of fees paid in total for audit and non-
audit services respectively, or an appropriate negative statement
Guideline 12.7
The existence of a whistle-blowing policy should be disclosed in the
company's Annual Report
140 to 141
Guideline 12.8
Summary of the AC's activities and measures taken to keep abreast
of changes to accounting standards and issues which have a direct
impact on financial statements
Guideline 15.4
The steps the Board has taken to solicit and understand the views of
the shareholders e.g. through analyst briefings, investor roadshows or
Investors' Day briefings
Guideline 15.5
Where dividends are not paid, companies should disclose their reasons
A dividend has been
declared for the financial
period under review.
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