Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 169

Annual Report 2015
To optimise indoor temperature at our developments,
simulation software is used to model heat load
requirements and low-emissivity double glazed glass is
installed to control temperature loss. These measures
resulted in lower cooling and heating requirements
at Capitol Singapore and Perennial Qingyang Mall
Properties within our portfolio, such as AXA Tower,
Capitol Singapore, CHIJMES and TripleOne Somerset,
are fitted with energy-efficient fluorescent and LED lamps.
At Capitol Singapore, motion sensor lightings have been
installed along the stairways, whilst its lifts have built-in
variable voltage variable frequency drivers, which draw
less current when accelerating and decelerating, thus
reducing overall energy consumption.
Capitol Singapore’s design maximises daylight usage as a natural light source to
reduce lighting requirements.
M&E Services
As ventilation and air-conditioning systems consume a
considerable amount of energy, the design of a building’s
air conditioning systems and its envelope detailing, and
the selection of high-performance energy efficient chillers
are reviewed critically.
The installation of energy-efficient lightings and vertical
transportation systems, coupled with the usage of an
automated building management system, further optimises
the operational efficiency of major M&E systems, including
chillers, ventilation fans, lifts and lightings.
CHIJMES uses energy-efficient lighting to reduce overall energy consumption.
To improve water efficiency at our properties, sanitary
fittings with auto flush mechanism which are certified
under the Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme are installed.
In addition, private meters are installed to monitor water
consumption to ensure that they are within acceptable
levels. At the residential and hotel components of Capitol
Singapore, dual low capacity flushing cisterns were fitted
to further reduce water usage.
Green Initiatives
Some of the green initiatives pursued at our developments
to reduce carbon emissions include the installation of car
park guidance systems and the provision of electric car
charging stations and bicycle parking lots. These initiatives
are in line with the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint 2015
to create a more liveable and sustainable city.
The installation of a car park guidance system provides
drivers with real time information on the number and
location of available lots thus substantially reducing the
time taken by the driver to look for a parking space and
consequently cutting down on car exhaust emissions
from vehicles within the car park. At Perennial Qingyang
Mall, a smart phone application has also been launched
to facilitate shoppers’ search for available parking lots.
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