Annual Report 2015
of the available positions in the company were filled by
internal transfers within different departments.
As part of career planning and development management,
annual performance reviews are conducted where
employees discuss their work performance, possible
career moves, training plans and future aspirations
with their supervisors. The annual performance review
exercise also serves as a platform to facilitate the:
creation of development paths that match our
people’s strengths and aspirations to develop suitable
careers that dovetail with our business needs;
identification of promising individuals who can be
groomed to take on expanded and/or leadership
roles in Perennial.
In a dynamic business environment, it is important that
our people’s skill sets and expertise remain relevant and
are ahead of our industry peers. Our people regularly
attend seminars, workshops and skills programmes to
enhance their expertise and knowledge in their areas of
work. Between 28 October 2014 and 31 December 2015,
our people attended seminars and training programmes
in areas such as accounting, corporate governance,
environmental sustainability in buildings and the green
mark scheme, fire safety and taxation.
In Singapore, in-house training programmes were
conducted by internal specialists on topics such as
‘Interested Party Transactions’ and ‘Tenancy Design
Trends and Guidelines on Kiosks and Shop-fronts’.
In China, external ‘Grooming and Makeup’ training
courses were organised for our front-line Customer
Service Officers. Sponsorships were also awarded to
eligible employees to pursue diploma or professional
certification programmes.
We continued to invest in our signature learning and
development programme, an annual overseas learning
trip which provides our people from different markets with
an opportunity to network and gain insights into emerging
trends and interesting concepts for large scale integrated
projects beyond their country of operation. For the period
from 28 October 2014 to 31 December 2015, study trips
were organised for the Singapore-based team to visit
China and the China-based team to visit Singapore.
Singapore-based team’s study trip to China in 2015