Annual Report 2015
Authority to allot and issue shares under the Perennial Employee Share
Option Scheme 2014
That authority be and is hereby given to the Directors of the Company to allot and issue
from time to time such number of shares as may be required to be issued pursuant to the
exercise of options under the Perennial Employee Share Option Scheme 2014
(the “
”), provided always that the aggregate number of shares to be issued
pursuant to the Scheme when added to:
the total number of new shares allotted and issued and/or to be allotted and issued
(which for the avoidance of doubt shall exclude treasury shares) pursuant to options
granted under the Scheme; and
the total number of shares subject to any other share option or share incentive
schemes of the Company,
shall not exceed 15 per cent. of the total number of issued ordinary shares (excluding
treasury shares) in the capital of the Company on the date preceding the date of grant of
any option under the Scheme.
Renewal of Share Buyback Mandate
for the purposes of Sections 76C and 76E of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 of
Singapore (the “
Companies Act
”), the exercise by the Directors of the Company of
all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire issued ordinary
shares in the capital of the Company (the “
”) not exceeding in aggregate the
Maximum Limit (as hereafter defined), at such price or prices as may be determined
by the Directors of the Company from time to time up to the Maximum Price (as
hereafter defined), whether by way of:
(a) market purchase(s) on the SGX-ST; and/or
(b) off-market purchase(s) (if effected otherwise than on the SGX-ST) in accordance
with any equal access scheme(s) as may be determined or formulated by the
Directors of the Company as they consider fit, which scheme(s) shall satisfy all
the conditions prescribed by the Companies Act,
and otherwise in accordance with all other laws and regulations and rules of the
SGX-ST as may for the time being be applicable, be and is hereby authorised and
approved generally and unconditionally (the “
Share Buyback Mandate
(Ordinary Resolution 8)
(Ordinary Resolution 9)